Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring is here....

Spring is here and DH is getting everything ready for our NEW LOOK, and my gazeebo! Here, you will see him tilling up our property. We killed off all the ST AUGUSTINE grass and we will be planting the new ECO grass. This grass is VERY drought tolerant and VERY eco friendly! I found about it on HGTV!!! I love that channel!!! tee hehehehe

Oh, let me share... he didn't just jump on the tractor and start tilling, oh no, we had plenty of preparation work! This is just one load of the leaves that needed to be raked and carried to the dump before the process could start! LOL

Kylie planted seedlings about a month ago... I will share pictures on my next post... she now has a garden! Tomatoes, carrots, cantalopes, onions, scallions, sunflowers, gourds, chives, green peppers and we are going to try egg plant! Wating for the seeds to dry out... that will be an experiment! LOL I can't forget, she planted about 50 baby oak seelings... wow, that is going to be one long project!

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing your Eco grass. Have a great weekend!!