Saturday, September 1, 2007

A new hairdo!

I thought I would share my new hairdo! Well, now that I am looking at the picture, it's not quite what I looked like walking out of the salon! LOL, Why is that anyway?

When I walked into the salon, I met my stylist Laura. I was in total shock when she said, let's discuss the cost of your spiral perm and cut. I had no idea how high perms have gone up in the last 10 years! She said it is going to run you somewhere around 250.00. I thought, HOLY COW!!! I said, well... I didn't think it would be that much, but let's go ahead as I had been wanting to do this for some time now, I am here...let's do it!

We went through the normal process, wash your hair... get in the chair.. chat and she started to roll. She's rolling, and rolling... I am thinking man, this is such a long time. Well 1 1/2 hours later, she is done rolling my hair... poor gal must have been thinking she was going to be rolling for a week! There were over 100 rods in my head! She ran out of rods and had to borrow some from another stylist! All the women were oohing and ahhhing at her pretty job of spiraling my hair. It took almost 3 perm solutions for my head. I guess I just didn't realize how much hair I really had! I even had Laura use the biggest rods as I wanted big, soft ragcurls.

A little over 2 hours after I first walked through the doors I am now off to yet another chair to get my hair cut. Yes, it was over due! I had Laura take about 2 inches off all around my head, give me long layers and about 6 inches from around my face. I swear I felt about 10 pds lighter!

Well, I suppose this Florida humidity is what made the curls drop today when my husband was kind enought to take this picture for me to share. I will have him take another after I can wash my hair and style it again! YIKES, 3 days!!!


Jessica said...

HEy good lookin'!! LOL, love the new do!!

Laurie said...

Thanks girl!

erin said...

Your new "do" looks fabulous, you're gorgeous!!!