Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Ok, so it is 4am... and yes I'm lonely! I'm here surfing the web, photobucket and what have you.. on my lunch break of course! *WINK*

I found this sweet picture of Kylie and thought, "Look how FAT those cheecks are"!How I would give anything to be able to kiss those FAT cheeks of hers right now!



Holly Stocke said...

You late night rebel! lol! Davy & I were just checking out your me page & he said, "Oh, she's so cute!" We wanna squeeze those cheekies too!

Giraffikiki Kids said...

Kylie is such a sweetie! Just like her mom!

erin said...

She's so sweet and I love her adorable cheeks!

Laurie said...

Oh thank you so much girls! Could you tell I was missing her???

Love said...

those are seriously sweet cheeks! i have lunch at 4am, too. =)