Monday, October 5, 2009

Prayers, they do work!

As most of you know, I was scheduled for surgery this morning. Exploratory para-thyroid removal. I had asked my family and friends for extra prayer as I was a bit nervous about this procedure. I wanted to feel peace before going under.

This morning, my oldest sister took me to the hospital, an IV was established, the nurses, anesthesiologist, the neuro specialist and the surgeon all came in to talk to me about the procedure and what to expect. We were set to go for 10am.

10am rolls around and my surgeon was called in an emergency to assist in another operation. He couldn't do anything with me until this patient was out of the OR, as I was the next patient to go in.

11am rolls around and the surgeon comes in to see me. He explains that my PTH levels were being checked one last time as there seem to have been a discrepancy in the reading on Friday.

12pm rolls around and DOC comes in and says the surgery is a NO GO! He explained that at this point, he couldn't justify opening my neck up just to go in and find nothing was wrong.

I was so relieved! I will see an endocranologist in the morning and have more testing done to try to figure out what is going on. Until then, it is back to business as usual!

Thank you to all who said a prayer, I believe in the POWER OF PRAYER, and today was no exception!!!


1 comment:

MamiGirlBoutique said...

WOW! That is amazing! :) God bless you!