Sunday, July 19, 2009

More from the garden....

Isn't she a beauty! This is our 2nd cantaloupe this season. Very tiny, huh?! She is bigger than a baseball, but smaller than a softball! She weights in at a whopping 9.2 ozs! Our first melon rotted. I didn't pick it when it was ripe as I felt it needed to grow bigger! I've come to realize that this crop is just going to be small. Hummm... maybe not enough fertilizer? Poor soil? What ever the cause, it definitely had enough sun and water! **Sigh** a learning process I suppose!

Our tomato plants are still kick'n! My neighbors are being blessed with the fruits from my labor! LOL We have so many tomatoes, we just can't eat them fast enough! Sooo, I hike gallon baggies full of yummies to each of my neighbors. There is always a big smile and a huge thank you!

When we cut the cantaloupe, I'll be sure to share. I'm excited and can't wait to see if it is REALLY sweet!

Have a blessed Sunday!

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